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Legislation needed to keep solar work moving

Legislation (S-2732) is pending in the New Jersey Senate that would extend commercial operation deadlines to TREC-registered utility-scale solar projects on brownfields or landfills. The Assembly has already passed this measure, unanimously.


Senate approval and Gov. Murphy’s signature are crucial to keeping utility-scale solar projects moving in New Jersey, where solar energy is an $11.7 billion industry that employs nearly 6,000 people across the state. New Jersey once led the nation in solar installations. It slipped to eighth this year and, based on projected growth, it could soon drop to 15th.


Let your state senator and Gov. Murphy know how urgent it is for S-2732 to become law for the good of the industry, consumers, and working people for whom solar energy provides a livelihood. New Jersey faces severe health and economic dangers from climate change. A robust solar energy industry is one important way to reduce those dangers.



The NJUSSA was formed in 2021 to support a robust utility scale solar industry in the State of New Jersey. The first order of business is providing stakeholder input to NJBPU’s April 2021 Straw Proposal for New Jersey’s Solar Successor Program. The NJUSSA focuses its comment on four key points, set forth below. The NJUSSA seeks to participate in the NJBPU’s stakeholder process concerning the Solar Successor Program and to make recommendations consistent with the four key points. Constituent members are encouraged to join in the NJUSSA’s messaging and to deliver supportive comments to NJBPU, separate and apart from the NJUSSA, seeking to advance NJUSSA’s agenda.

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